
FERMA has established political action committees to strengthen FERMA’s voice on public policy issues and to promote and maintain relationships with European regulators. So far, there are six such committees covering environmental liability, disaster insurance, corporate governance, IMD2, Solvency 2 and captives, and cybersecurity.

These committees are composed of small groups of experts – members of FERMA national associations and board members – who have been working on legislative and regulatory affairs covered by FERMA. They will help FERMA formulate positions to be disseminated to members and to the public authorities.

FERMA will consult these committees as needed, either in person or by conference call. The experts are committed to work closely with the Executive Director, Florence Bindelle, and other internal resources to offer insight on legislative and regulatory issues, support FERMA’ written positions, answer press inquiries, and meet EU officials and policy makers.

Florence says, “We expect to advance the practice of risk management and develop a coordinated approach with our members to formulate our views and opinions in an appropriate and timely manner.”

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