This webinar is dedicated to the launch of FERMA’s practical guide on sustainability for risk and insurance managers
”People, Planet & Performance: the contribution of Enterprise Risk Management to Sustainability”
This webinar will launch the FERMA guide ‘’People, planet & performance: the contribution of Enterprise Risk Management to Sustainability’’ (click here to download the guide) featuring a discussion between three risk managers on their real-life experiences to illustrate the guide. They will look at:
- How do risk managers think about and assess sustainability risks?
- How can risk managers contribute to their organisation’s sustainability goals?
Valentina Paduano, Chief Risk Officer and Sustainability Director at Sogefi Group, leading global supplier of original parts for the automotive industry.

Philippe Noirot, Group Risk Management Deputy Director at Orange, international multi-service operator.
Adriana Cavaliere, Corporate Risk Manager at Skeyes, public company in charge of air traffic safety in Belgium.
You can accumulate 2 Rimap CPD points with this webinar.
The webinar is free of charge.

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