
The FERMA board has dedicated itself to implementation of the newly agreed strategic vision and mission following elections at the general assembly in June. The vision is embodied in the new mission statement aligning FERMA’s work with its goals of increasing leadership in risk management and enhancing risk managers’ strategic influence.

President Jo Willaert said: “This new vision and mission statement provide a strong basis for the development of a business plan laying down the direction for FERMA over the next three years around three key drivers: leadership, communication and education. I am delighted to welcome our new board members. They bring us fresh ideas and new perspectives to help us implement this new strategy and mission.”

Anders Esbjörnsson

Anders Esbjörnsson, Group Risk Manager, NCC (SWERMA), has returned to his role as FERMA Treasurer and board member following re-election for another three-year term. He said: “I find the opportunity of working in this truly international context extremely interesting as well as challenging. I think FERMA is on the right track for the future with great initiatives and a dedicated board and staff while it meets it meets its future challenges.”

Helen Pope

New board member Helen Pope, Head of Insurable Risk – Tesco and former Airmic chair, said: “I whole-heartedly believe in the promotion of insurance and risk management and believe that FERMA has the ability to persuade the business community of the need for excellence and recognition in the professional world.”

charlotte Hedemark

Joining the board for the first time from DARIM, Charlotte Hedemark Nielsen, Senior Risk Specialist, SAP, said: “This will be a great opportunity for me to offer my professional experience, skills and knowledge to direct support and contribute to the work performed by FERMA. “Two areas have my concern. First, to raise the profile of the profession, notably via innovative training approaches and rimap. Second, bridging diversity and the profession, while working to maintain a broad representation of skills and expertise in the profession, both to ensure a good gender and cultural balance, and also to maintain focus on young professionals.”

Ralph Mulder

Insurance and Subsidy Manager of UNIPER Benelux Ralph Mulder, a member of NARIM, is the third new board member. He said: “FERMA now has its vision and strategy for the future. It is up to us to add value. With my election, I hope to encourage other risk managers to fulfil their part in strengthening our community. Come to the Seminar in Malta! Take part in the roundtables. Share your knowledge.”