
How cyber aware are you? Here are some questions that will provide food for thought. The answers are a mixture of fact and judgement.

When will the EU Data Protection Regulation start to apply?

A. 25 May 2018
B. 25 March 2017
C. 1 June 2017

2. How quickly do you need to notify a data protection breach to your supervisory authority under the EU Data Protection Regulation?
A. Within 24 hours
B. Within 72 hours
C. It’s voluntary

3. What is the maximum fine a business can face for a breach of the EU Data Protection Regulation?
A. 2% of global turnover
B. 4% of global turnover
C. € 20 million
D. €10 million

4. What digital risks are you most concerned about?
A. Theft of personal data
B. Loss of intellectual property
C. Hacks for ransom

5. What is a bit coin?
A. A euro cent
B. Something left over from your holiday
C. A unit of digital currency

6. How does your organisation cover the cost of cyber risks?
A. Through existing property/casualty policies
B. Stand-alone cyber insurance in addition to existing coverages
C. We don’t think any insurance will make enough difference to a big data breach or hack

7. How satisfied are you with your organisation’s procedures for dealing with data breach and cyber attack?
A. Reasonably satisfied but it needs updating
B. Satisfied, but it can always be improved
C. Something I worry about


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B: but all are possible, depending on the circumstances
  4. Data breach is the most likely but all are possible
  5. C
  6. All are possible
  7. B, hopefully

All the answers correct? Share and consolidate your knowledge by attending the digital risks roundtable and interactive cyber security workshop at the FERMA Seminar on 4 October.

Most of the answers right: The FERMA Seminar on 4 October is a good place to build your knowledge.

Less than half the answers right: You definitely need to come to the FERMA Seminar digital risks roundtable and workshop on cyber risks on 4 October. Bring a colleague.