
Risk managers who want to take part in the risk manager only round table discussions at the 2014 FERMA Seminar should register quickly; the round table numbers are limited, and they are filling quickly. This is the advice from FERMA’s Project manager Véronique De Hertogh as she continues the planning for this event. The seminar will take place on 20 and 21 October at SQUARE in Brussels.

The event will be an exceptional occasion for European risk managers in 2014. It will be both the scene for the announcement of the results of the 2014 FERMA Risk Management Benchmarking Survey and the celebration of FERMA’s 40th anniversary with a gala dinner.

The dinner will take place at the famous Bozar, the Belgians’ fond name for their Palais des Beaux Arts. ( The building is an art deco masterpiece by Victor Horta (1861-1947), which has been intensively renovated and restored to create what is probably the most prestigious venue for the arts in Belgium.
Free for FERMA members
The Seminar is free for members of FERMA member associations and FERMA corporate and individual members, including the gala FERMA 40th anniversary dinner. There are plenty of reasons to attend :

  • The programme is designed by and for risk managers
  • High level networking with experts in risk management
  • Innovative sessions to share opinions on specific issues and daily work challenges
  • Results of the European Risk and Insurance report

Moreover Brussels also offers several advantages:

  • A 10 % discount on Brussels Airlines flights to Brussels; tickets can be booked from the seminar website;
  • It takes only 17 minutes by shuttle train from Brussels airport to reach Central Station, which is in front of the conference venue, SQUARE: low cost and no traffic jams;
  • All the hotels within 10 minutes walking distance from the Square; no need for taxis;
  • Reduced rates for hotels through Brussels Booking Desk – but book soon;
  • For drivers, there are plenty of parking places under SQUARE.

The programme includes two risk managers’ only round table discussions in addition to the presentation of the survey results and a keynote speech on climate change by Danish television meteorologist Jesper Theilgaard.

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